The day started with a very fun princess and superhero birthday party at Joso’s. This was the birthday girl’s 3rd birthday and she had invited all of her little friends from daycare. If you’re not familiar with the layout at Calgary’s Joso’s and what they have to offer, it has a FABULOUS play structure for the kids to play in. The play structure is so fabulous that superheroes such as Capt. America were engulfed by the structure the whole time that the princesses were there and didn’t emerge until it was time for cake. Princesses Cinderella and Little Mermaid had lots of room to play and entertain the kids.

The birthday cake was a beautifully crafted 2-piece cake: one piece was a beautiful princess cake and the second piece was a Cinderella carriage cake with pumpkin wheels. The artist who carefully created this work of art is the birthday girl’s grandmother. Due to evasive action in the vehicle on the way to the party (the cake was jolted by a sudden application of the car brakes) the cakes were altered in appearance. Cinderella’s fairy godmother wasn’t there to wave her magic wand, but the cake artist had brought enough supplies to fix any accident! Now there is the sign of a true professional! And as you can tell from the pictures, there is no sign of cake or icing damage!!! Princess Cinderella knows who she is going to call for any future carriage repairs 🙂

A future fireman was identified at this party. The birthday girl had some difficulty blowing out her birthday candles. She had blown out the first candle, then the second candle and then became frustrated with the third candle. Sensing her frustration and wanting to help (and possibly concerned about the risk and danger of an open flame) one of the boys came to the birthday girl’s aid and helped her blow out the last candle. Yes, there are courageous knights who will come to your rescue!

Princess Little Mermaid and Princess Cinderella were delighted to be invited to a princess pottery painting party at Paint it Up Pottery in Okotoks. This was the first time that the princesses had been to a pottery painting party and it was a great experience. The drive there was very pleasant as it was a beautiful February day and the weather was unusually warm. The party was held in honour of a beautiful princess who was turning 5 years old. She was celebrating with her friends and family by painting beautiful pottery pieces in the shape of ponies, unicorns, pigs, and owls to name a few. All of her guests had picked out their favorite pottery items and had to apply 3 layers of glaze before having the item fired. While waiting for the latest glaze layer to dry, the princesses entertained the guests by playing games, reading stories and performing puppetry in the coziest playroom ever under the stairs. Amazingly, the two princesses and their large gowns fit under the stairs with 11 little princesses! It really was the cutest and cosiest playroom and the princesses wish that more locations had rooms like this! While the little princesses were painting their pieces of pottery, princesses Cinderella and Little Mermaid got to have special time chatting with the little princesses and were very entertained with numerous stories of how some of the little princesses had once fallen into a toilet. It was decided that the princesses would all be very careful about making sure that the toilet seat was down from now on. It was a wonderful afternoon spent painting pottery and visiting with beautiful and very well-mannered princesses 🙂
The princesses made it back to Calgary to drop in to wish a happy birthday to a prince turning 10 years old. His party was a roller skating party held at the Calgary’s famous Lloyd’s Roller Rink. Here is a picture of the princesses with the birthday prince: