Calaway Park is the site of many, many memorable experiences for families and kids of all ages. Generally, the opportunity to take in numerous rides and games in a colourful environment that is reminiscent of the Flintstones is enough to fulfill everyone’s daily requirement of fun. How can the adventure get any better? The answer is simple: have your company family picnic at Calaway Park! Good food, great entertainment and rides to turn everything that you have eaten upside down! If you are not so familiar with the facilities offered at the park, there is a great family picnic area that you should know about and if you need to hold a reception there – this place is highly recommended!
The Little Mermaid princess was invited along with a black-suited bat man to attend a lunch event at Calaway Park. At the picnic, our favorite superhero saved the mermaid princess from being caught in a mustard explosion. Here’s a great picture of the Little Mermaid princess and the crime-fighting bat man (there were no crimes at the park except for mosquitoes stealing blood and our superhero was very effective at squashing those buggers):

In addition, there were fabulous face painters at the event (provided by fuze ENTERTAINMENT) who turned kids into butterflies, dragons and superheroes and even transformed one of the guests’ shaved head into an amazing work of art. A caricature artist (also from fuze ENTERTAINMENT) drew up amazing caricatures of the guests so they could take them home. JUST as the lunch was ending, the skies darkened up and threatened rain. That was the end of the picnic!