Cinderella was delighted to be invited to this fun family winter holiday party for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. She wore her matching Make-A-Wish blue gown for the event. There were fun things to do for everyone in the family. There was bowling, fishing, a photo booth with lots of fun accessories: mustaches, gorilla hands, boxing gloves, and fanciful hats. There was face painting, balloon twisting, cupcake decorating, a nail bar, car racing, hair styling, and many, many crafts! Many wonderful characters from the from 501st Canadian Garrison were there, protecting guests from the Dark Side. Frosty the Snowman made an appearance and the Youth Singers performed for everybody. Here’s a picture of Cinderella with one of the famous Star Wars characters taken by the talented photographer and performer David Luckman of Lucky Shot.

There was great family friendly food for the guests to enjoy, and wonderful silent auction items for moms and dads to bid on, to help support the wonderful cause.